Thursday, 27 October 2016

Spring is Underway

Coming, Ready or Not

Hunched deep into her coat
and with her red gumboots on
she plods up the hill to home
- there’s a movement in the air,
not the wind exactly, more
of a feeling.

She looks at the sky, she looks
at the trees, they feel it too.

The sky adds white sparkles
around the edge of the gloom.
The trees add a lime splash
on dark green ensembles.
Is there less mud on the path?
Is there a warmth in the wind?

Spring?   Surely not
when she has unopened books
beside her fireside chair! Yet here,
under her hedge, there’re bright
sun-coloured Lachenalias
ready and dressed, joyfully
swinging their multiple bells.

Copywrite. lois.e.hunter


  1. Lovely! Seems a long way away for us though.

  2. Thank you. I was saying to Liz in Christchurch that the seasons are rather blurred where I live and they sort of creep up you and it can be a surprise to realise the seasons have actually changed.

  3. Yesterday the autumn forest outside our kitchen window was wadded in a cotton-like fog. Today frosted grass, blue sky and white sun. Thank you for the reminder here, Lois, that, like coins, our planet has two sides to its seasons, one facing north, the other turned south, and that each, in turn, takes us on to new and amazing encounters?
