Tuesday 1 November 2016

Fairy Story

The Red Dragon.

There is a dragon in Room Nine. It sits in the aisles between the desks, the class tells her.

The teacher does not know what to do with it.
“Class, class,” she says. “No one can see a dragon. You know it’s not real.”

“Oh yes it is,” says Matthew as he strokes one of the dragon’s feet. “His foot feels shiny and cool and I love the way his claws move in and out when he is happy.”

And Amy speaks up. “I like his eyes Miss. They shine as bright as my torch at night. He can wink too, both eyes!”

Then it is Michael’s turn. “Oh he has the biggest red tongue with a purple stripe down it. It’s not fiery at all. He makes us laugh when he pokes it out behind the Headmaster’s back.”

“Oh yes he is real,” chorus the whole class. “We have been teaching him to dance.”

And it’s true. The children are now up dancing around in a lumpy way as if they are lifting a dragon’s feet one at a time.

“Class, class. Sit. Sit down now. That is enough!
You must stop at once. You have had your fun.
I want you to open your Math’s books and turn to page twenty seven.”

“I don’t like Maths,” says a deep grumble voice. “I like stories.”

Then there was silence. Everyone suddenly sat down in their chairs and looked at each other, then straight ahead.

“Who said that?” asked Miss Grey.

But the children stared back, and said nothing, their eyes wide as wide.

“I like stories. I like singing too,” the voice said again.

“Yes. yes. Neat. Right on. Sweet As,” the children called out. “Please Miss a story. A story.
The day is too sunny for learning Maths.”

But Miss Grey just stands there looking confused. Who was that with the deep voice?
And worse: if she half-closed her eyes and crossed them slightly she could just about believe she could see the shape of a bright red dragon. And then it closed one big yellow eye in a long slow wink!

copyright: lois.e.hunter 

email: lois.e.hunter2@gmail.com

This is the first page of a story I wrote for one of my grandsons, Matthew, who was into dragons and dinosaurs at that stage  -  and was also read out loud by his teacher, in daily instalments, to his class of  8-9 year old boys and girls. Got lots of nice feedback for it. I had thought of turning it into a colouring-in book, because I loved colouring in my books when I was young, but have never quite got around to finding someone who would do all the illustrations

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