Thursday, 14 May 2020

TODAY'S POEM -  15th MAY 2020

Our Tara - 1 year anniversary 14th May

As if there’s a hole
in its number 4 skin,
our home-bubble has
tilted off-centre
and gone askew.

The dog won’t get out of bed.
The cats don’t want their food.
I can’t settle, and pace the house.

We don’t know how
to re-arrange the space
to fill the shadows
of her silence; everywhere
there’s an empty space
where the shape and weight
of Tara, the Siamese, should be

no more apparent than now
as I sit down at my desk

for she’s not here, tapping
at my knee, asking for my lap,
then keep me sitting until
she says we’ve done enough
writing - time for a
stretch and a biscuit break.

My little Capricorn task-master
who shared my passion for pens:
for me they’re carefully chosen tools,
but for her, they were those
forbidden toys to hide and
play with later;
two are yet to be found.

Tara, who left us her baby, Millie
who is unaware of anything
other than the joy of being alive

and skitters around my feet
alternately pouncing and tossing
into the air, a bright yellow peg
asking me to get off my chair
and share in her game, with this
Outstanding. Fantastic. 
marvellous toy .

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