THOSE LAST 3 MONTHS WERE NOT as I planned it. I expected the litter of kittens would all have gone to their new homes by late-May which they were, except for one that I kept to replace her now spayed Siamese Mum. Then there was the older dog to spay, plus the grand-twins year old birthday party to attend in June. I was making plans in the meanwhile checking out a possible house sitter so I could go and visit a friend, who now lives in New Plymouth, in late June while I had a gap of free time before I would be confined by a new litter of kittens due to arrive at the end of July.

Within a week of the birthday party though I was flattened by a flu I don't want to ever repeat, and even managed to give it to my pregnant cat ( don't put your lovely warm cat on your lap to cheer yourself up and then proceed to cough all over them). 4 weeks later the flu was basically over and though still feeling a bit shattered I was back in the world again and the house was first in line to get straightened out, but that afternoon I ran to answer the phone and broke a couple of middle toes on the way. Back to I'm not going anywhere.
Yes, I'm getting to the part why these two photographs go with this post.
By the 28th July things had changed. I now had 5 beautiful new kittens. The kitten I had held back to breed with, decided she would be the only animal in a household and would fight anyone who said different, got a her wish and now has a new home. She has been replaced with a young chocolate point Tonkinese kitten I brought up from the South Island. And the manuscript of my latest poetry book? That is also finished and with a New Zealand publisher,
New kittens take a while to not only be trained, but for them to train me. Anything and everything will be played with and I found when I went to use my microphone that its thin wire had been chewed through in multiple places. How many times have I brought out this handy woman's tool pouch ( daughter Anita gave this to me over 30 years ago ) to successfully save the day? After much fiddling and having to start all over again the microphone is now repaired and back in working order.
You are sure to see new kitten pictures in the near future.
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