SUDDENLY ALL IS STILL - the kittens as of last Saturday, after 3 months of being my top priority, are now all grown and as of last Saturday, have new hands to clean, feed, hold, pat and love them and my little house is very, very quiet; it is mid-summer and HOT. The lawns wait to be mowed, but they are going to have wait longer for a cooler day and some motivation from me.. The last hedge to finish cutting has a paper wasp nest deep in it somewhere and I have already been stung as a warning to back-off ( by the way straight cloudy ammonia for wasp stings , vinegar for bee strings, neat bleach ( Janola) for white-tail spider bites). Otherwise all the things I have promised to do are now done and it's time for me to think of summer and what to do with all my freedom - as a start I've read 3 books already - lol.
today is a cooler day. |
Kittens have now gone to new homes |
The mumma cats choose outside on the deck |
The dog chose the fan |
The monarch butterfly caterpillars I'm raising just keep on chewing |
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ReplyDeleteGood morning, Lois. How did you manage to find caterpillars to raise? When I was back teaching in the US elementary schools were raising silk worms and releasing the butterflies at the end of the cycle, cats yes, but this is the first time I've come across someone breeding butterflies!
ReplyDeleteI have often had to call the fire dept in to deal with hornets in either chimney or walls, €40, but they all come totally equipped with all-over protection and litres of specific pesticide to kill the usurpers and it is usually a half-hour battle and six persons at that! Wasps stings a cumulative and the more we are stung the toxin buids up and makes the individual all the more sensitive as time goes on. They do return to the nest to sleep, but again using a torch to see what one is doing means that the person holding the light becomes a target once they are disturbed. Poor girl, your isolation doesn't make the task easier! I know there are sprays for sale that are intended for such cases, but the dangers persist. Any fire dept near enough to respond?
You said you were setting up a bowl of water next to the fan to send us some of your warm weather, be sure think to check that the dog hasn't drunk all of the contents?
Hugs and we'll avoid the "warm" thoughts from Burgundy.
PS I went back and corrected by (sigh) typos!
ReplyDeleteHi Barbara. The paper wasps kill off any catterpillars and even suck the eggs dry. Go and look for freshly laid eggs and cut off branch and bring inside and put in vase bring in fresh branches as they get eaten. Oops, had to change their position onto dining table as forgot cats like to nab moving things ( grrr) and lost some before I realised. Got one chrysalis so far and more due to spin with lots of Micro babies along with eggs just starting to colour up getting ready to hatch.