BEING EVERGREEN ANY CHANGES IN SEASONAL COLOUR are usually textural and/or subtle with the
occasional exception mostly from plants that have escaped early colonial
gardens and flourished in its new climate. One such plant is the Arum lily. An
elegant stately flower and a rare fortune to buy in Germany I was told by a
German tourist, and then only for funerals. The Island’s early women settlers
used to supplement their income by gathering armfuls, I heard, and were sent
over to the Auckland flower markets. On the Island, as elsewhere in Northland,
it is considered a weed and now another excuse to bring out the weed spay
{{{{shudder}}}. The vase of them pictured, is mixed together with our native Kawakawa
which is gathered in Northland to make a beer, or is used for various ailments including
both constipation and the opposite. Then there are the colours from the gardens I pass on my walks - including someone's fish flag blown into a tree.
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