IT IS THE FINAL COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS and the Island is jumping. The rental holiday houses are already full and the carpark on the mainland that serves the Island is near capacity. Yesterday (Thursday) was the final day for me to do last minute shopping, but more importantly to
have lunch with my youngest daughter and my sister - we chose a brilliant summer's day.
It is the Pohutakawa in flower that is a feature of the Island. It starts to flower around six weeks before Christmas Day and by Christmas Day it is in its full glory. It's often known as New Zealand's Christmas Tree. The nectar is very sweet as every kids knows when the tip the flowers up to shake them onto their waiting tongues it - the giveaway is that their their noses are covered with pollen.
Here is a selection of photographs to show how they become a part of our Christmas-time scenery, finishing up with looking from the carpark out to the entrance of the harbour - our Island is further out and of sight from here - and the final one is: we are on the water taxi, on our way back to the Island, shopping bags of last minute groceries, (oops, including a big bag of potting mix) and I am now all ready for Christmas.

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