Tui still singing on the wires |
I am not sure where they went to. Blame it on this lingering late summer weather, the garden tidy-up continuing and it being way too nice to be coming inside and sitting at the computer. It's easy to forget that winter is coming.

And it is only at this time of the year, for about a couple of weeks, an oak tree clothed in glowing gold suddenly appears out of the dense green of the bush to remind us that a hundred or so years ago there was a home and family living here going about their daily lives, and one day planting an oak tree by their gate.
And fittingly to re-appear each year on Mothers' Day, when we celebrate our mother and the home-life she created around us until we were ready to leave and go out into the world.
Mothers' Day and my youngest daughter and family have invited me to lunch. I cannot even begin to imagine living a life without being a mother. I feel truly blessed.