Friday 2 March 2018


FULL MOON BROUGHT A LITTLE CHAOS into our lives last night.

I make a point of making sure my animals are inside before dark each night, but Mum Tara decided last night that she would ignore the call of 'biscuits' to come inside and it was really dark when I heard her calling out that she wanted to come inside. Her kittens heard her too and as I went towards the door to let her in, they found their cage door wasn't properly clicked shut so they were out, exploding everywhere and over a very startled dog. Meg, the  5 month old kitten decided she was going to be in on the act, so first, she was scooped up and put into her cage, then catch the kittens - done !! - open the door to let yelling Mum in, but what the...!!!

Tara brings gifts 
She has a rat wriggling in her mouth. Time to teach/wean her babies, she has decided. 'No, no , no - take it outside,' and I am shushing her through the house towards the lounge door away from dog, kitten and her babies all trying to reach her....getting her through the lounge with a couple of oops on the way of rat being dropped, it running, being caught again  ( I think it was encouragement I was saying through gritted teeth ) and finally I get Mum and rat back outside.

It took until midnight with her going back and forth, from door to door calling her kittens saying that she had yummy food for them, and the kittens calling back that they wanted their Mum, before she gave in. Ratless she was allowed inside and was given her special treat biscuits as promised. Time now for me to go out and turn on the electric fence..

which by the way - (crossed fingers) that "mickey-mouse" electric fence is working well and after 3 days the possums have given in and it seems most of the rats have found the bait station as well.

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